Product Opportunity Mapping Training

To book a session or a free initial consultation, please contact me at:

Bruce Alton | 780-884-4820 |


Product Opportunity Mapping is a training program to teach product development skillsets and how to identify, evaluate and compare new product opportunities.

Program outcomes are learning the the skills to create new products that grow and diversify a company’s revenue and build corporate resilience.

The Product Opportunity Mapping - New Product Development Training Program includes six modules:

Module 1:  Product Opportunity Summaries

Module 2:  Problem Selection

Module 3:  Customers & Markets

Module 4:  Competition & Fit

Module 5:  Full Product & Company Definitions

Module 6:  Accountability & Game Plans

Each module is a facilitated session that includes detailed content to learn new skills, a playbook of exercises and real-life case-studies.  Sessions are also adaptable to specific customer needs and the current status of new product development programs.

Delivery Method   

Modules are offered via traditional classroom or virtual methods as half-day (morning or afternoon) sessions typically held every other week over a 12-week period.

Assessment Method

Assessments take place during each session through the review of participant presentations and homework assignments.  Finally, verbal “testing” occurs throughout the course to determine participant comprehension of key concepts.


Participants are offered Certificates of Completion upon successful completion the modules


Each course is restricted to 6 – 10 participants

Instructor Overview

Bruce Alton is the primary course instructor who leverages 30 years of operating and product development experience and makes use of global best practices and real-life examples of product development efforts.

Training Costs

Cost is $6000.00 per participant with group discounts available for employee groups from the same company.

Note: This program is eligible for a Canada-Provincial Job Grant which reimburse 2/3 of training costs for eligible employers. In Alberta, visit: or refer to the document links below for additional information

Fees quoted include course material for all modules as well participant take-aways (Note: Location costs (if any) and applicable taxes are extra along with travel costs outside of Edmonton).

Additional Information

Product Opportunity Mapping Training - Course Description

Canada-Alberta Job Grant - Applicant Guide

Our Guide to the Canada-Alberta Job Grant

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